Health Update- Community | Ten Thousand

Health Update- Community | Ten Thousand

Dear Ten Thousand Residents,

As you are aware, we have gone above and beyond all governmental recommended policies and procedures to maintain a safe environment for our residents during this global health pandemic, including  changing the elevator equipment to non-touch technology, taking temperatures of all employees and vendors entering the premises, sourcing the most effective supplies for our cleaning employees, using a professional commercial cleaning company to sanitize all communal areas, and enforcing social distancing among employees so they can safely care for Ten Thousand’s residents.

Despite these exhaustive efforts, one of Ten Thousand’s maintenance employees recently tested positive for COVID-19.  As soon as the employee notified us that the employee was experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, the employee was immediately sent home to self-isolate, seek testing and, since the employee’s positive diagnosis, has been under quarantine.  Even though the maintenance employee has not had any personal interaction with residents and wore gloves while working, we will be contacting those residents within whose units that employee worked during the past 14 days. 

Be assured that any Ten Thousand employee showing any symptoms of or that is diagnosed with COVID-19 will not be allowed inside of the building until he or she fully complies with all CDC guidelines on quarantining and recovery.  We will continue to exceed all steps required to safeguard Ten Thousand’s residents from this dynamic and unpredictable pandemic. 

As always, please feel free to reach out to us should you have any questions or concerns.

Best Regards,

General Manager